Oliver Ford Lincoln

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Feb 21, 2024
Ford Service center For headlight replacement in Plymouth, IN

Driving at night without properly working headlights can be dangerous. You should get new headlights at our local Ford dealership as soon as you start to notice signs of trouble.

Signs You Should Get New Headlights for Your Ford 

Are you finding it increasingly challenging to navigate the dimly lit roads of Plymouth, IN during your nightly drives? If so, it might be time to consider upgrading your Ford’s headlights. At Oliver Ford in Plymouth, IN, we understand the importance of clear visibility and safety on the road, especially during adverse weather conditions or low-light situations. Our service center specializes in providing top-notch automotive care, including headlight replacements, to ensure that your driving experience remains safe and enjoyable. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some signs that indicate it’s time to invest in new headlights for your Ford vehicle.

Weak or Dimming Headlights

Headlights naturally dim over time due to bulb filament degradation and UV exposure. This reduces their ability to properly illuminate the road. Once your headlights start to cast a feeble glow, it’s time for an upgrade.

Foggy or Yellow Lights

Oxidation and sun damage can cause your Ford’s once-clear headlight lenses to develop a yellowed, foggy appearance. Fogging diffuses and diminishes the light output. If you clean your headlights but the haze doesn’t improve, you need new ones.

Visible Damage to Your Headlight

Are there any cracks, chips, or other forms of damage to your headlight lenses or housings? Physical damage allows moisture into the headlight assembly, which degrades the lights and compromises their integrity. Moisture can also create a dangerous glare that could blind other drivers.

Inconsistent Lights

Watch out for inconsistent lights that work intermittently or direct light in an uneven pattern. If the bulbs are blinking or flickering, there may be electrical issues or faulty wiring in the vehicle. Your headlights could also be nearing the end of their usable life. The best solution is to have them checked out at the dealership.

High Beams Not Working

Are your Ford’s low beams working but the high beams aren’t? This is a sign that there is a problem with the wiring or fuse powering the high beams. You could also be dealing with a burned-out bulb. You need to replace the bulb and check your headlight’s wiring for defects.

One Headlight Has Burned Out

Driving with only one working headlight is dangerous. If you had both of your Ford’s headlights installed at the same time, the second one might burn out soon. Replace both of them before you’re stuck on the road with no working headlights.

Order Genuine Headlights at Our Ford Dealership

There is no better place to turn for new Ford headlights than our trusted dealership. We will properly diagnose any headlight issues and install OEM headlights designed for your Ford model. Unlike inferior aftermarket headlights that fail prematurely, OEM ones will provide excellent visibility and long-term performance.

Getting your headlights replaced at the dealership also guarantees quality workmanship. Our Ford-certified technicians will check for other issues that could cause your headlights to fail. These include alternator problems, faulty electrical wiring, or battery issues.

Don’t let faulty headlights put you and others at risk. Replace them immediately to keep your night drives well-lit and secure. Contact Oliver Ford Lincoln in Plymouth, IN to order new Ford headlights.