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Jan 16, 2024

Few vehicle problems are scarier to a driver than brake failure. While a blessedly rare problem, brake failure can still occur if a driver neglects to properly maintain their brakes. Along with regular brake servicing, all drivers should keep an eye out for the following potential signs of brake trouble. You can have brake repair carried out right away at your local Ford dealership. 

Does Your Ford Need a Brake Repair?

Is your Ford experiencing brake-related issues? Don’t overlook the importance of timely brake repairs. At Oliver Ford in Plymouth, IN, our skilled technicians specialize in brake repair services tailored to your Ford’s needs.

Pulling to One Side

When a fault develops in a braking mechanism, the car will often start pulling to one side. This is because the stopping power on one side of the car has become stronger than the other. If you detect a slight tugging in one direction when trying to brake, have a technician check things over as soon as you can.

Spongy Brake Pedal

Always pay attention to how the brake pedal feels under your foot. If it becomes less firm one day, with a slightly spongy quality, pull over at once. You might have leaking brake fluid on your hands, which means a loss of hydraulic pressure inside the brake lines. You can search the brake lines and also the underside of your car for dripping brake fluid: an oily, yellowy, almost transparent liquid. 

Slower Stopping Time

Both leaking brake fluid and overheating brakes can rapidly and dangerously sap a car’s stopping power. If you notice your car taking longer to come to a halt, pull over before you accidentally cause a fender bender. 

If your brakes have overheated from excessive continual use, allow them to cool before attempting to drive again. If the problem persists, you’ll need a technician to take a look. 

Pulsing Vibrations in the Pedal

While extremely durable, brake rotors can sometimes become warped due to age or overheating. Rotors can also become damaged by worn-out brake pads. A damaged rotor will often cause strange pulsing vibrations that you might feel in the brake pedal or steering wheel. 

Screeching or Grinding Sounds

Brake problems can generate various unusual sounds. A very brief squeaking might indicate a little harmless water on the brake pad, but longer screeching sounds might mean that one of your brake pads has worn out and needs to be replaced. Grinding sounds usually indicate something more serious such as a loose object trapped in a caliper or a brake pad with a completely worn-away friction layer. 

Have Your Brakes Checked Frequently at Your Local Ford Dealer

Preventative maintenance is key to consistently safe brakes. It’s considered a good rule of thumb to have your brakes checked every time you have your oil changed or tires rotated. This will usually be every six months or so.

Whether you’re dealing with squeaky brakes, reduced efficiency, or any other brake concerns, our team is equipped with the expertise and genuine Ford parts to address and resolve the issues promptly. Trust Oliver Ford for reliable brake repair services, ensuring your Ford maintains optimal performance and safety on the road in Plymouth, IN.